SMCI - Coeroeni airport
SMCI stands for Coeroeni airport
Here you will find, what does SMCI stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Coeroeni airport? Coeroeni airport can be abbreviated as SMCI What does SMCI stand for? SMCI stands for Coeroeni airport. What does Coeroeni airport mean?Coeroeni airport is an expansion of SMCI
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Alternative definitions of SMCI
- Super Micro Computer, Inc.
- Service Master Clean India
- Sheet Metal Contractors Inc.
- Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute
- Strategic Marketing Counsel Inc.
- St Marys Cement Inc
- The State Media Company Inc
View 25 other definitions of SMCI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SLZX San Pedro airport
- SLZR San Rafael airport
- SLZK San Lucas airport
- SLZJ San Pedro airport
- SLZF San Francisco airport
- SLZG San Agustin airport
- SLZB San Pedro airport
- SLYY San Yo Yo airport
- SLYP Muyupampa airport
- SLYB El Bato airport
- SLYA Yacuiba airport
- SLWD Seis De Agosto airport
- SLWA Santa Rosa De Abuna airport
- SLVR Viru Viru International airport
- SLVN Valencia airport
- SLVM Villa Montes airport
- SLVI Caranavi airport
- SLVG Valle Grande airport
- SLVE Venecia airport
- SLVD Covendo airport